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From Conception to Cognition: Examining the Impact of PAE on the Brain

Training Objectives: Analyze how prenatal alcohol exposure affects a developing brain ​
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From Conception to Cognition: Examining the Impact of PAE on the Brain

Training Objectives: Analyze how prenatal alcohol exposure affects a developing brain ​
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Navigating the Legal System for Individuals with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD)

Jackie Franks, MPH, CHES, CPS FASD and Legal Implications  Facing challenges with
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FASD and Inappropriate Sexual Behavior: Strategies for Prevention – Jackie Franks, MPH, CHES, CPS

Research shows that individuals with a Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) are
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The FASD Respect Act Passes Senate HELP Committee in The Support Reauthorization Act

The FASD Respect Act (S.1800) introduced by Senators Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) and
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Gabapentin Misuse: An Emerging Threat – By Jackie Franks, MPH, CHES, CPS  

What is Gabapentin?   Gabapentin is a prescription anticonvulsant medication approved by the
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Identification Information Card for Individuals with FASD

This card can be printed and cut out, filled out, and laminated
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Exploring the Neurodiversity of FASD

Exploring the Neurodiversity of FASD Presented by: Jackie Franks, MPH All people
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FASD & The Criminal Justice System

The focus of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD): A Brief Introduction for
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FASD Q&A Lunch & Learn

Answering your burning questions about Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders, pregnancy and substance
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Planning and Implementing Screening and Brief Intervention for Risky Alcohol Use

This guide is designed to help an individual or small group planning
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FASD in a Nutshell

This training defines FASD, explains the disorders on the spectrum, and symptoms
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The FASD Respect Act is BACK!

FASD United is thrilled to announce that Senators Murkowski (AK) and Klobuchar
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FASD Primer for Healthcare Professionals (Web-Based Course)

The updated FASD Primer for Healthcare Professionals course is available now! This free,
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BRAIN-online FASD Screening Tool

BRAIN-online is a new web-based screening tool that assesses cognitive and behavioral
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I didn’t know I was pregnant and had a drink…what happens now? By Jackie Franks, MPH

Many pregnant people contact us and ask this very question- I consumed
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A tufted titmouse takes flight

The One-Legged Tufted Titmouse: A Lesson in Resilience and Strength

The One-Legged Tufted Titmouse: A Lesson in Resilience and Strength by Jackie
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Words Adulting with FASD by Rebecca Tillou. Photo of Rebecca and logo of Indiana Alliance

Classroom Cues of Neurodivergent Youth

Classroom Cues for Neurodivergent Youth By Rebecca Tillou I saw a YouTube
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Words Adulting with FASD by Rebecca Tillou. Photo of Rebecca and logo of Indiana Alliance

I’m Sorry- Reframing the FASD Diagnosis

We have all heard these words. Throughout so many seasons, for so
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Words Adulting with FASD by Rebecca Tillou. Photo of Rebecca and logo of Indiana Alliance

Adulting with FASD: Personal Space… It’s not Just Physical

Personal Space: It’s NOT Just Physical In this series Adulting with FASD,
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A couple embracing outside and the text Dating someone with FASD

Love is in the Air! Dating Someone with FASD: What you Need to Know

  By Jackie Franks, MPH The dating scene nowadays is like the
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A couple embracing outside and the text Dating someone with FASD

Love is in the Air! Dating Someone with FASD: What you Need to Know

  By Jackie Franks, MPH The dating scene nowadays is like the
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2022 Indiana FASD Needs Assessment. Key findings and full report.

2022 Indiana FASD Needs Assessment

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Rebecca’s Spotlight: Wyatt and Debbie’s Story

Indiana Alliance is excited to share we have added Rebecca’s Spotlight to our
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Rebecca’s Spotlight: Helen’s Story

Indiana Alliance is excited to share we have added Rebecca’s Spotlight to our
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Rebecca’s Spotlight: Ryan’s Story

Indiana Alliance is excited to share we have added Rebecca’s Spotlight to our
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Rebecca’s Spotlight: Dana’s Story

Indiana Alliance is excited to share we have added Rebecca’s Spotlight to our
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Rebecca’s Spotlight: Jenn’s Story

504 Plan and IEP: Keys to Jenn's Success!
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Rebecca’s Spotlight: Matt’s Story

Foster Parents' Gut Instincts Led to Matt's Success!
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Rebecca’s Spotlight: Gina’s Story

Diagnosis & Support: Keys to Gina's Success!
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Support the Stars for Starla Campaign: Holiday Ornaments

Holiday Ornaments “When you count the stars, begin with yourself.” Support FASD
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Rebecca’s Spotlight: Rebecca’s Own Story

Tears of having an FASD become tears of hope for others
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Hoosier Story of Hope: Boston Bound

Hoosier Story of Hope: Boston Bound

We’ve been following the story of a local Indianapolis man who is
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