BRAIN-online is a new web-based screening tool that assesses cognitive and behavioral features known to be associated with FASD. If you think that you or someone you care for may have FASD, BRAIN-online can act as the first step in connecting to a diagnosis.
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Potential Parents

Potential Parents
For couples who are expecting where the birth mother has been consuming alcohol, stop consuming alcohol now and talk with your doctor. Any time during pregnancy that you abstain from alcohol, you increase the chance that your child will not be affected by alcohol. If you are finding it difficult to stop, help is available.
Parents & Caregivers

Parents & Caregivers
Indiana Alliance is here to help make your daily life easier. Whether worried about an infant, struggling raising an adolescent, encountering challenges working with an adult, or as an educator having difficulty with a student with an FASD, we hope you find this website useful.
Adults Living with FASD

Adults Living with FASD
FASD is widely understood to be a hidden disability. Even among those who do recognize FASD, the focus is often on children and not adults with the disorders. As individuals with FASD enter adulthood, they and their family members and caregivers face additional challenges.
Professional & Community Support

Professional & Community Support
It is important to identify individuals living with FASD and support them to improve functioning in society. Important support networks include professionals, educators, health care providers, social services, criminal justice system, government officials and policymakers. Relevant topics include education, employment, legal assistance, health care, and housing.
Potential Parents
Parents & Caregivers
Adults Living with FASD
Professional & Community Support

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CDC Alcohol Consumption Assessment Tool
9 Oct 2024
Indiana Nonprofit Promotes Awareness for Common, but Largely Undiagnosed Developmental Disability
23 Sep 2024

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