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Make Your Mark This FASD Awareness Month: Ways To Get Involved

Indianapolis – Governor Eric Holcomb has proclaimed September 9, 2024, as Fetal
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Understanding the Connection: Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders, Substance Use Disorders, and Overdose Prevention

Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) are a group of conditions that can
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Cheers to a Refreshing Summer- One Refreshing Mocktail Sip at a Time!

As the sun stretches its golden arms across the sky and the
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The Impact of Substance Use on Fetal Development: A Comprehensive Look

By Jackie Franks, MPH, CHES, CPS  Pregnancy is a critical period in
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Navigating the Legal System for Individuals with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD)

Jackie Franks, MPH, CHES, CPS FASD and Legal Implications  Facing challenges with
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The FASD Respect Act Passes Senate HELP Committee in The Support Reauthorization Act

The FASD Respect Act (S.1800) introduced by Senators Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) and
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Warning: “Blackout Wednesday” is Coming – Prepare yourself to celebrate safely this holiday season.

With the holidays right around the corner, we start to get excited
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A couple embracing outside and the text Dating someone with FASD

Love is in the Air! Dating Someone with FASD: What you Need to Know

  By Jackie Franks, MPH The dating scene nowadays is like the
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2022 Indiana FASD Needs Assessment. Key findings and full report.

2022 Indiana FASD Needs Assessment

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Stars for Starla Youth Recognition Awards

Nominate a Youth for a Star Award Stars for Starla recognizes that
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Remote Literacy Learning

Often times, kids with an FASD struggle with reading, and many more
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Fostering Children and Youth with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder

The Coalition for Children, Youth and Families developed this document to help
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The FASD Success Show – A Podcast for Living

The FASD Success show is a great online resource. This podcast is
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Stay-at-Home Guide for Kids with FASD

Check out the following resource guide, full of creative ideas for your
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SUD and Pregnancy: A Guide for Mothers

SUD and Pregnancy: A Guide for Mothers Pregnancy should be an exciting
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Do I have to wait to breastfeed my baby after consuming alcohol?

Susan Elsworth, Director of INOFAS refers individuals to the Academy of Breastfeeding
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The Four Pillars of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Success

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How to Prepare for Your Child’s Health Supervision Visit

When you parent a foster or adoptive child, it’s not always easy
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Parenting a Child with FASD

Parenting a Child with FASD When a pregnant woman drinks alcohol, it
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Alcohol and pregnancy

If you’re pregnant, you’ll need to think carefully about what is safe
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FASD Guidebook for Police Officers

FASD Guidebook for Police Officers

“Many specialists suggest that a significant number of individuals who come into
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Guidelines for Referral and Diagnosis

Although several diagnostic schemes are available for diagnosis of FASDs, all 4
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Evaluating a Child for Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD)

Evaluating a Child for Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD)

Flow Diagram for Evaluation The Flow Diagram was devised to facilitate greater
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Opioids, Pregnancy and Neonatal Care Resources for Clinicians

The National Institute on Drug Abuse maintains resources for clinicians to help them
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Prescription medicine during pregnancy

The March of Dimes has prepared this overview regarding the use of
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Prescription opioids during pregnancy

The March of Dimes has prepared this overview regarding the use of
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Neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS)

KEY POINTS NAS is a group of conditions caused when a baby
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Center for Disease Control: FASD

The CDC has a wealth of information on FASD, including: Basic Information
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Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders FASD Toolkit

The Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders FASD Toolkit was developed by AAP (American Academy
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