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Over half of Indiana counties are considered contraception deserts, meaning communities that do not have a health center that offers the full range of contraceptive methods. According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, all women should have unhindered and affordable access to all FDA approved methods of contraception.  

Accessing birth control in Indiana is straightforward and confidential with numerous clinics and health centers offering a variety of contraception options tailored to your individual needs.  


PATH4U offers free virtual or in-person appointments to Indiana residents and offers a birth control explorer on their website to learn about different birth control methods you may be interested in. After you attend your appointment, you will receive your method the same day or have it sent to a pharmacy near you or delivered to your home. Additionally, you can request free emergency contraception on their website.  More information: https://path4you.org/ 

Your Local Pharmacy 

State legislation signed into law in 2023 allows pharmacists to prescribe birth control. There are some limitations to this law, as pharmacists do not have to prescribe if they don’t want to. The prescriptions can only be for up to six months, and after a year of receiving a prescription, the patient must see a doctor. More information: https://indianapublicradio.org/news/2023/07/new-indiana-laws-expand-access-to-birth-control/ 

Title X Clinics  

Title X Family Planning Clinics offer a broad range of family planning and preventative health services. In addition to family planning services, the clinics also provide preventative reproductive health services including HPV vaccination, STI testing, breast and cervical cancer screening, and more. In Indiana, there are clinics located in: Warsaw, Marion, Muncie, Fort Wayne, and New Castle. For more information: https://reproductivehealthservices.gov/ 

Other Health Centers 

Planned Parenthood Health Centers have clinics in Indiana and offer birth control pills via home delivery or the patch/ring for pickup at the pharmacy. More information: https://www.plannedparenthooddirect.org/state/indiana 

Indiana Family Planning Centers have several clinics located in and around Indianapolis and offer services including birth control consultations and contraceptive care. For more information: https://infpc.org/services/ 

 Final Thoughts 

We encourage all women to receive regular pelvic and breast exams, pap smears, and STI screenings, but these tests should not be a barrier to receiving contraceptive care when and how you need it.  

For more information about birth control options, please visit our Guide to Contraception

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