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The Coalition for Children, Youth and Families developed this document to help families who are or are considering fostering children and youth with FASD.

From the introduction:

“Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Disorder (FASD) is the umbrella acronym meant to describe the prenatal effects that alcohol has had on some people. Spectrum disorders in general incorporate a wide-range of abilities and challenges. FASD is a leading cause of intellectual disabilities and birth defects. If you suspect that the child in your care may be affected by FASD, talk to your worker and doctor. They may refer the child to a specialized doctor in order to get an FASD exam, which includes taking specific physical measurements and testing cognitive abilities and functioning. If you are fostering a child with possible FASD, remember that behaviors, abilities, and physical characteristics vary greatly from one child to another.”

Fostering Children and Youth with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
Click on thumbnail to download the PDF
What is FASD? Check Out Our FASD Resource Directory Drinking & Pregnancy

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