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2022 Indiana FASD Needs Assessment. Key findings and full report.

2022 Indiana FASD Needs Assessment

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A Fond Farewell from Susan Elsworth

A Fond Farewell from Susan Elsworth

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Stars for Starla Youth Recognition Awards

Nominate a Youth for a Star Award Stars for Starla recognizes that
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Fostering Children and Youth with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder

The Coalition for Children, Youth and Families developed this document to help
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Indiana FASD Support Group

Earlier this year, a grass roots effort was started by a woman
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The FASD Success Show – A Podcast for Living

The FASD Success show is a great online resource. This podcast is
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Stay-at-Home Guide for Kids with FASD

Check out the following resource guide, full of creative ideas for your
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Cerebral Palsy Group

Cerebral Palsy is a name given to a set of nerve disorders
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SUD and Pregnancy: A Guide for Mothers

SUD and Pregnancy: A Guide for Mothers Pregnancy should be an exciting
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Do I have to wait to breastfeed my baby after consuming alcohol?

Susan Elsworth, Director of INOFAS refers individuals to the Academy of Breastfeeding
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The Four Pillars of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Success

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How to Prepare for Your Child’s Health Supervision Visit

When you parent a foster or adoptive child, it’s not always easy
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Parenting a Child with FASD

Parenting a Child with FASD When a pregnant woman drinks alcohol, it
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America, Can We Talk About Your Drinking?

America, Can We Talk About Your Drinking?

After a season of indulgence, many Americans resolve to drink less in
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Alcohol and pregnancy

If you’re pregnant, you’ll need to think carefully about what is safe
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Women Get Clean to Prevent Having Babies with Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAS)

Women Get Clean to Prevent Having Babies with Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAS)

SARASOTA (FOX 13) – More than 4,000 babies were born addicted to opiates
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Hoosier Story of Hope: Boston Bound

Hoosier Story of Hope: Boston Bound

We’ve been following the story of a local Indianapolis man who is
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Flying with Fetal Alcohol

We’re excited to share a video interview from fasdforever.com. It’s a conversation between Jeff
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This FASD strategy cuts down parent frustration

A new study sheds light on how parents and caregivers of children
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Center for Disease Control: FASD

The CDC has a wealth of information on FASD, including: Basic Information
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