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Our young friend Rachel Jackson was urged by her teachers to write her truth without worrying about spelling and grammar. The piece is powerful, an insight into her beautiful soul. Thank you Rachel for being a young leader and helping others by raising awareness about FASD! [NOFAS-UK]

Hi my name is Rachel Jackson I’m going to tell you about , FASD so lets get started I am Gust one of the million Children with this problem , It’s hard with this condishon As you can see I have problem With, speling and sleep problem And lerning getting a long With people, so are brane is Like a messe filing cabnet And I all was in troboll At school Becaese Thay din not now adout fasd, And that’s not all .vision .hear defects .liver problems .poor immune systems .speech & language delays .impulsivity .memory problems .sleep problem .Huperactivity .inapporpriate social behaviour You may not get to help me but you can help children in the fucher so pleas don’t Drenk throw pregnasey so children have less risck of having FASD in medway so tack it from my ponte of vow and young , People and are mor lickley to die around 30 with no sport lets get that sport out there and if I din’t have thes amazing People I wade not got this fare so in Joy your night and get the number boune
Of FASD.Thank you for your time to reade this It’s reley means a Lot to me .

By Rachel Jackson

Credit / Sources

This clip is from Rachel Jackson’s YouTube channel “MylifewithFASD Jackson

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