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Rethink Tobacco Indiana will present this 5- hour Tobacco Free Recovery Workshop, a brief version of the Tobacco Treatment Specialist (TTS) course. This workshop is designed for those who interact with persons with behavioral health conditions and have an interest in learning about evidence-based tobacco treatment strategies. This workshop contains an addition, supplementary module on tobacco and pregnancy.
- Review tobacco use prevalence among adults in the U.S. and Indiana
- Describe the criteria for Tobacco Use Disorder, including nicotine withdrawal symptoms
- Recognize the relationship between tobacco use and behavioral health conditions
- Discuss the negative impact of tobacco use on recovery
- Discuss evidence-informed counseling strategies for tobacco use and dependence
- Demonstrate understanding of counseling strategies through case-based discussions
- List the seven FDA-approved medications with indication for smoking cessation and describe standard dosing.
- Summarize recent data describing the efficacy of tobacco treatment medications, including combinations therapy, for treating tobacco use and dependence.
- Describe the services and programs offered by the Indiana Tobacco Quitline, including the steps to initiate a referral.
- Share tools and local and national resources related to tobacco treatment.
- Explain how nicotine and tobacco use impacts pregnant persons and babies
- Understand the risk and safety factors among pregnant individuals with co-occurring MH challenges and tobacco use disorder
Target audience: Recovery coaches, case managers, social workers, addiction counselors, mental health counselors and other behavioral health professionals