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You can support NOFAS by buying NOFAS materials.  This 21-minute animated video introduces the topic of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) and demonstrates key strategies that have been proven to help students who experience brain-based disorders become more successful in school and in life. Scenarios depicted in this video represent both secondary and elementary situations. Join Mario as he talks about what it is like to live with an FASD. Mario collects all of the 8 Magic Keys with the support of friends, educators, and his family. BUY NOW!


Concepts by Deb Evensen and Jan Lutke Reproduced and Distributed by the National Organization on Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Developed and Produced by the Anchorage School District:  ASD Tube Anchorage, Alaska
Video Content:  Cheryl Johnson, Barb Loutrel and Frank ButtoWith input from the Anchorage School District FASD Committee

Credit / Sources

This DVD is for sale on the NOFAS website.



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