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Unfortunately, there is not one medical test (like a blood test) to confirm a diagnosis under the FASD umbrella. FASD can be diagnosed by a team of professionals assessing four specific areas:

  • Growth issues
  • Brain function and structure
  • Facial features
  • Prenatal alcohol history

Depending on the clinic, the diagnostic process can take 3-6 hours and includes:

  1. History (Clinic Care Coordinator)
    A comprehensive history of the problem and any evidence of prenatal alcohol exposure is discussed.
  2. Physical Exam (Medical Provider)
    Measurements of the head, face and growth are taken along with a complete physical exam.
  3. Neurodevelopmental Assessment (Psychologist, Speech Therapist and Occupational Therapist)
    Comprehensive testing is done to evaluate 10 different brain functions including memory, executive functioning and motor skills.
  4. Diagnosis (Diagnostic Team)
    All assessments are reviewed by the diagnostic team and evaluated to see if they meet the criteria for a diagnosis under the FASD umbrella.
  5. Evaluation Report (Diagnostic Team)
    A summary of the findings is prepared along with any specific recommendations for follow up support and treatment. Information about CINOFAS is distributed.

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