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What Women Need to Know About Getting Pregnant While Drinking Alcohol

A healthy baby actually begins before a positive pregnancy test, so it’s important to stop drinking beer, wine, spirits and any type of alcohol while trying to get pregnant. Even before you become pregnant, it is important to take care of your own health to ensure a healthy pregnancy. This includes exercising regularly, eating healthy, taking a multi vitamin and folic acid, and stopping any detrimental health habits. If you are trying to get pregnant, stop drinking alcohol, stop smoking, and stop taking any unauthorized drugs. Find answers to common questions you may have.

50% of Pregnancies are Unplanned, so Consider Your Choices if Drinking Alcohol and You Could Become Pregnant

Nationally, nearly half of all pregnancies are unplanned and many women do not know they are pregnant for 4-6 weeks after conception. Important brain development is occurring during this time frame and drinking alcohol, including beer, wine, spirits, etc., during this early stage of pregnancy can have a significant impact on the developing baby. Even as early as days 17–21 after conception, when many women may not even know they are pregnant, alcohol can alter the blueprint of a child’s face, as well as disrupt the development of the brain, spinal cord, and other organs forming at that time. If a woman continues to drink alcohol while pregnant, she may be causing harm to her developing baby without even knowing it.

Best Advice: Stop Drinking Alcohol While Trying to Get Pregnant

It is important to understand the risk of drinking alcohol (beer, wine, spirits, etc.) during pregnancy and to modify health habits like abstaining from alcohol before you become pregnant. If you need help to stop drinking there is support available.


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