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Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) is One of the Adverse Outcomes of Drinking Alcohol While Pregnant

Over 40 years ago, United States researchers first recognized Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) as one of the adverse outcomes caused by prenatal alcohol exposure (drinking beer, wine, spirits or any alcohol while pregnant). This discovery led to considerable public education and awareness initiatives informing women to limit the amount of alcohol they consume while pregnant. But since that time, more has been learned about the effects of drinking alcohol while pregnant on a developing baby. We now know a lot about drinking & pregnancy. It is now clear that no amount of alcohol can be considered safe.

Based on the current, best science available, we now know:

  • Alcohol consumed during pregnancy increases the risk of alcohol related birth defects, including growth deficiencies, facial abnormalities, central nervous system or brain impairment, behavioral disorders, and impaired intellectual development.
  • No amount of alcohol consumption (including beer, wine, spirits, etc.) can be considered safe during pregnancy.
  • Drinking alcohol while pregnant can damage a developing baby at any stage of pregnancy.
  • Damage can occur in the earliest weeks of pregnancy, even before a woman knows that she is pregnant.
  • The cognitive deficits and behavioral problems resulting from prenatal alcohol exposure (i.e. drinking while pregnant) are life long.
  • Alcohol related birth defects are completely preventable.

For these reasons, it is advised by all major medical associations, the Center for Disease Control and the U.S. Surgeon General, that if a woman is pregnant or could become pregnant, she should abstain from drinking all types of alcohol, including beer, wine, spirits, etc.

Simply put, drinking & pregnancy do not mix!

Trying to Get Pregnant? Stop Drinking Alcohol Now

A healthy baby actually begins before a positive pregnancy test. Even before you become pregnant, it is important to take care of your own health. This includes exercising regularly, eating healthy, taking a multi vitamin and folic acid, and stopping any detrimental health habits like smoking, consuming alcohol (beer, wine, spirits, etc.), and taking any unauthorized drugs. Learn more about planning a healthy pregnancy.

Already Pregnant? Stop Drinking Alcohol Now

Congratulations! Indiana NOFAS encourages you to celebrate an alcohol-free pregnancy by remembering “049” – Zero Alcohol for 9 Months, including no beer, wine, spirits, etc. Learn more about celebrating an alcohol-free pregnancy.

For Health Professionals – Advise Against Drinking While Becoming Pregnant

Women take the word from their health care provider over other sources. But with conflicting information online and in other sources, women need to hear from their health care providers that there is no safe amount of alcohol during pregnancy. Help women prepare for pregnancy.

Addiction and Treatment for Alcohol and Drugs

Indiana Alliance has a wide variety of resources for women who consumed alcohol and/or used drugs during their pregnancy. We are here to help remove the stigma and blame associated with FASD and provide the support and resources you and your family need. View the options Indiana Alliance has to support you.


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